地域分科会が開催された歴史文化の街、 犬山で閉会式を。 The closing ceremony will take place in Inuyama, a city rich in history and culture and the location for one of the local sessions. |
クロージングは愛知県犬山市で開催します。犬山市は伝統的な街並や山車祭りといった豊かな文化・歴史を誇る街です。アメリカ人参加者の方々には国宝犬山城や国宝茶室如庵などの見学をした後、歴史文化博物館「明治村(http://www.meijimura.com/)」を散策します。海外の文化・科学が日本に大きなインパクトをあたえた安土桃山、明治の時代の日本の歴史をたどりながら、アメリカの世界的建築家フランク・ロイド・ライト氏の代表作旧帝国ホテルでクロージング・セレモニーをむかえます。日本美術の愛好家で浮世絵などに強い関心を持っていた彼の建築には、低くなだらかな傾斜の屋根、深い軒先、内と外をつなぐ開口部など日本建築に共通する特徴があります。また、明治村には西洋建築の影響を受けた多くの洋風建築があり、これらの美しい建物は外国との交流から生まれる文化を語ってくれます。この場所に、アメリカ人参加者、ホームステイファミリー他地域の人々、サミット関係者が一同に会し互いの絆を深めて頂きたいと思います。日米の市民がつくる新たな絆が21世紀を築いていくことでしょう。 オープニンングで万博という時代の最先端の技術・文化に触れることにはじまり、産業技術記念館で現代につながる近代を振り返り、クロージングの犬山では海外との接点・交流から日本の歴史をたどることで、より深く東海地域の魅力を体験して頂きます。 ![]() 明治村内の教会 The church in Meiji Mura |
The closing ceremony will take place in Inuyama city in Aichi prefecture. Inuyama city takes pride in its rich culture and history, and this can be seen in the old streets and float festivals. American participants will have the opportunity of visiting two national treasures, Inuyama castle and tea house, as well as wandering around the historical and cultural museum, Meijimura (Meiji village). This museum recreates the Momoyama and Meiji periods in Japan, a time when western culture and science created a huge impact in Japan. Participants will meet for a closing ceremony at the reconstructed Old Imperial Hotel, the original of which was designed by the world-famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. This building is very Japanese in style, with its gently sloping roof and semi-interior walkways. Frank Lloyd Wright was a lover of Japanese art, especially ukiyo-e (Japanese woodblock print), and this can be seen in the design of this building. There are also many western style buildings in Meijimura, reflecting the great influence the west had on Japan during this time. These beautiful buildings reveal a culture created though international exchange. It is here that we hope to bring together all the people involved in the convention-American participants, home stay families, people from other areas as well as other people involved in the summit, in order to give them all a chance to deepen their friendships. We are sure the friendships created among these residents of American and Japanese cities will continue to grow into the 21st century. At the start of this convention, we focused on present day technology and culture, then at the TOYOTA Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology we looked back at past technological achievements, and now, at the closing of the convention in Inuyama, we have traced Japan’s history back to the first point of contact and subsequent exchange with the west. This convention has given us all a chance to really experience the various delights of this region of Tokai. ![]() 建築家フランク・ロイド・ライト氏設計の旧帝国ホテル概観 The exterior of the reconstructed old Imperial Hotel built by the architect Frank Lloyd Whight |
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