万博で賑わう愛知。 開会式はトヨタの産業技術記念館で。 The opening ceremony will take place at the TOYOYA |
第15回日米草の根交流サミットは東海地域(愛知・岐阜・三重)で開催されます。サミット開催期間中は、愛知県では国際博覧会「愛・地球博」が開催されており、世界の国々や日本の市町村、企業が参加し様々な展示やイベントが盛大に催されています。アメリカ人参加者の皆様にはオープニングの日に会場見学を予定しています。最先端の技術が盛り込まれ、メインテーマに「自然の叡智」を、またサブテーマの1つに「循環型社会」を掲げ次代へのアプローチを積極的に展開している万博会場で、時代の最先端、ひいては未来を体験・発見して頂きたいと思います。 その後、名古屋へ移動。ノリタケの森と、トヨタグループの産業技術記念館で見学をした後、オープニング・セレモニーを行う予定です。本物の機械の動態展示や実演・映像などから、自動織機・自動車という日本の近現代を象徴する産業を分かりやすく見ることで、万博会場の最先端技術につながる東海および日本の近現代における産業や技術の変遷を体験できます。 10の分科会地域では各地の特色ある魅力を盛り込んだプログラムを用意しています。東海地域はとりわけ製造業が集積しており、最先端技術産業や伝統的なものづくりの見学や体験ができます。また、山や川・海といった自然にも恵まれているため、食や自然、また長い歴史の中で育んだ文化などもテーマに設け、広く地元の魅力を紹介します。ホームステイをしながら日本の家庭・生活を体験し、地元の人と交流を深めて頂くとともに、外国人の新鮮な目から受け入れ地域の新しい魅力の発掘も期待しています。 ![]() オープニング・セレモニーが開催される産業技術記念館 The TOYOTA Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology, where the opening ceremony will take place |
Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology in Aichi prefecture, a place buzzing with people who come to visit the World Expo. The 15th Japan-America Grassroots Exchange Summit will take place in the Tokai region of Japan, in Aichi, Gifu and Mie prefectures. Throughout the summit Aichi prefecture will be hosting the 2005 World Exposition, Aichi, Japan, ‘Expo 2005 Aichi’, in which various towns and businesses in Japan as well as other countries will be putting on magnificent displays. On their first day in Japan, the American participants will be taken on a tour of the Expo site. The main theme of this World Expo will be ‘Nature’s Wisdom’ and a sub-theme will be ‘Development for Eco-Communities’. At the Expo, people will be working enthusiastically towards the realization of these themes using state-of-the-art technology. They will not only be looking at what present day technology can offer us but will be looking to the future as well. After visiting the World Expo, participants will be transferred to Noritake Garden and TOYOTA Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology in Nagoya city, where the opening ceremony will take place. Before the ceremony, participants will be able to learn about modern technology in Japan through images and practical demonstrations of cars and other machines. A program of ten local sessions has been prepared for the participants. Each session will include the particular charms and attractions of that area. The Tokai region of Japan is closely associated with the manufacturing industry and visits to see the making of state-of-the-art technology as well as traditional handicrafts have been included in the program. Tokai is also blessed by nature-mountains, rivers and sea, as well as a long history and deep-rooted culture, and these will also be themes in the program. During the home stay, participants will be able to experience daily life and family life in Japan as well as take part in grassroots exchange with the local people. Through this experience we hope that both American and Japanese participants will be able to deepen their understanding of and gain a fresh perspective on each other’s cultures. ![]() 産業技術記念館の向かいにあるノリタケの森 Noritake Garden opposite the TOYOTA Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology |
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